Etihad Town
Etihad Town is a sprawling urban development project complete with modern apartment buildings, picturesque parks, and a thriving mid-rise business district.
Urban Development Project
Developer: Union Developers
Structure: TBA
Project Lead: Nasir Mahmud
Project Team: Muhammad Hashaam
A tree-lined boulevard welcomes visitors into Etihad Town, flanked by mixed use commercial activity. These give way to midrise apartment buildings, transitioning to a more private residential zone as you move further in, creating a balanced visual impact. Sprawling parks act as rest spaces for public entertainment and serve as a visual buffer between the taller buildings.
The Central Business District
The midrise business district serves as the nexus for commercial activity, offering a centralized hub for businesses to thrive
Etihad Apartments
Modern, midrise apartments at the heart of the residential district welcome families to Etihad Town, overlooking green parks and vibrant public spaces.
Miracle Garden
Winding pathways lead visitors through the green canopies and vibrant landscaping of miracle garden